Our unique learning technology will help you build high performance teams. Inspired by game theory and rooted in an innovative human-focused approach, Cognify’s smart technology is certain to increase motivation in the workplace and bring across-the-board transformation to your organisation.
Join Cognify and discover the secret to engaging, motivating and understanding your employees. As learning and talent development experts, Cognify understand that the key to a successful organisation is its people, and the smart platforms we deliver result in an unmatched boost in productivity for our clients.
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Putting the Fun into Disciplinary Training
Gamifying the Induction Experience

Companies with a gamification program grow revenue twice as fast as companies with no gamification effort
(Source: NICE Systems)

Progress is the single most influential factor for employee motivation on a day-to-day basis
(Source: Harvard Business Review)
Businesses can save up to 70% by replacing traditional training with eLearning
(Source: IOMA)
79% of employees want their employer to try out new approaches to employee engagement and learning and development
(Source: Metro, 2014)
The key to successful gamification in business
The benefits of gamification for business are well documented – but it can easily backfire if you don’t use it appropriately with the people you’re trying to engage. That’s why, through years of user testing, we’ve developed the four fundamental pillars to successfully appl...
Gamification = Human-Focused = Serious Fun
An average individual has just 621,000 hours in their lifetime. 15% of those will be spent at work – quite a scary thought. Therefore it makes sense that when you spend that many hours in the workplace, some of it should be enjoyable, even fun! Even popular author, Roald Dahl, wrote “Life is...